Why Is Summer The Perfect Time To Clean Pet Urine Stains From The Carpet

If you have some lingering odor coming from the carpet and if you feel that, this kind of odor can create a poor atmosphere in the home, then you need to think of cleaning the carpet. If you think that is going to be the best way to do that then you need the perfect solutions for the same. Summer is perhaps the best time to get rid of carpet stains. Get ahead with pet urine stain removal from carpet. Here’s why summer is the best time for the same.


  • Summer is supposed to be sunny and so you have the perfect means to dry up the moisture

If the pet urination has made the carpets wet and messy then you can think of deep cleaning the same and then making them dry up in the sun. This time, the atmosphere is good and cleaning will bring in great results. Also, if you can dry things at home then there would be better effects for sure.

  • Your kids would have vacation and so you can call the professionals at home for urine stains

Summer is vacation time and you can send your kids to the grandparents’ home or camping. When they are not around, you can call the carpet cleaning experts and get the relevant solutions. You can tell the experts to come and check the area and carpet. If there are problems like pet urine stains then tell them to take the action.

  • You can also keep the pets outdoors

There’s one more thing that you can do and that is, to keep your pets outdoors in summer. They can play with the caretaker and in the meanwhile, you can get the carpet cleaned. When there are some issues with the carpets, you have to be clear on how you can make things work in the right ways. There are many things that people would want to get ahead with. Be clear about the purpose and make your summers hygienic.

  • In summer, there will be great moods because people can take up healthy choices

Summer is indeed the best time for all sorts of cleaning. This is because there would be better carpet cleaning solutions. You can deal with urine stains, mold issues, and even the bad smell issues from the carpets.


Ideally, when there are pet urine issues on the carpet, you should have the habit of quickly removing the same. But, if you happen to ignore this and if time has passed and there is no smell, but there is just the stain, then you will have to remove the same. Of course, you can use different measures to get the best options. But, what matters the most is that you choose the right time. Summertime is a great time. And so you need to access the same and try this time. Be open to trying the basic solutions.

How To Clean Every Type Of Carpet Stain

You can increase the life of the carpet. When you look after it and maintain it. One should keep in mind that if you will take proper care of your carpet then it will last for a longer period. As the use of carpets in some houses is very rough. It does not matter. 

That’s how particular you are in keeping your carpets cleaned, but some of the other ways the carpets get stained from inside on the outside as well. Sometimes you can see the visible stains of the nail polish and coffee too. You need a Carpet Cleaning Company to clean up your carpet. The basic thing that you should keep in your mind is as soon as the stain gets on the carpet, you should not be delayed in cleaning it and Clean Every Type of Carpet Stain. 

Carpet Stain

Here are a few tips on how you should clean every type of stain from carpets. 

  • Spills of Soft drinks and beverages:

If there is any spill of soft drink then use a dry paper towel to soak all the liquid into it. Then with the help of a vacuum cleaner dry the surface area that is being wet? Avoid rubbing the area of the carpets that will lead the fabric in bad condition. With the help of the dried paper towel absorb all the moisture in it. If the liquid stain is still visible, then use a warm water solution along with the detergent powder. And leave it on the surface of the spill. With the use of a towel soaked in warm water, clean the area and the result would be in front of you that the carpet is cleaned. 

  • Wine Stain cleaning:

The stain of wine on the carpet is quite alarming and you might get stressed? How will the spills on the carpet be cleaned? When you see this spill of wine on the carpet use a damp towel and soak all the moisture that is possible. Make a solution of hydrogen peroxide along with dishwashing liquid and apply for spots. Leave it for 10 minutes on the area of the stain. Let the solution get absorbed into the carpet and with the towel clean the surface. If the stain gets clean then need not apply the formula for the second time. 

  • Removal of pet stains:

If you are having pets in your house, then you would definitely have stains of the pet on the carpets. You can use warm water for the cleaning process of the pet stain remover. But the other home remedy you can use is the detergent liquid along with the warm water with baking soda and soak on the surface. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and wipe up the excess moisture. You can use white vinegar along with the water for better results. With the dry towel remove all the unnecessary liquid from the carpet and get rid of carpet stains.

  • Nail Paint extraction:

Many times, there are spills of nail polish on the carpets that you use in our houses. The best formula to cover up the stains of the nail Polish is to use nail paint remover on the area where the stain is visible. Dip the surface into the non-acetone nail paint remover with the help of a paper towel or dry Napkins. So, all the moisture is removed from it. You will see the nail paint cleaned from the carpet. 

  • Coffee Stains:

Coffee stains can be easily removed from the carpet with the use of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid solution. Apply the solution to the stain of the coffee and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then with a dry towel or paper napkin, soak all the liquid and you will see that the coffee stains are removed from the carpet.  

Healthy Way To Get Rid Of Carpet Stains

When you have stains on your carpet, it will look quite disgusting. It will make a bad impression on the people who visit your home and of course, it is not hygienic too. Keeping all these things in mind, you must take care to prevent carpet stains. So, here’s a perfect guide for you that will help you with Carpet Cleaning Seven Hills and preventing carpet stains.

Use the carpet stain protector

You might have heard about carpet protectors. These have to be applied to the carpets. Even though you might be regular in carpet cleaning you will never know what it takes to come up with stains. There could be multiple things that would contribute to creating stains. So, keeping all these things in mind, using the best Carpet Extractorsr will work wonders.

You should maintain a good vacuum cleaning routine

People who have carpets at home and face high traffic over the same should have a good carpet cleaning routine. This will ensure that the carpets stay in good condition. Often, there might be dust and dirt on the carpets and when they gel up with the moisture in the air, they will come up with dirt marks and stains. So, keeping all these things in mind, there need to be better choices for sure. So, consider using the stain prevention guide that can help you in keeping these issues away.

Be pretty quick with spill treatments

If there was a spill then there should be a quick treatment for the same. This includes removing the stain with vinegar or stain removal solution. If you ignore it at that time then the stain will become hard to remove. So, take quick steps and only then you can get rid of tough stains too soon.

Blot the spill so that the stain doesn’t go deep

If you come across some oil spill or tea spill and if you fear that the stain will become deep, then you must quickly take a cotton cloth or a blotting paper and blot the same. So, be ready to take the relevant action quickly. This will ensure that there would be no mishap.

Use mats at the entrance

You must keep rugs or mats at the entrance and this will ensure that the dirt gets a curb sign at the entrance itself. It is easy to clean the rugs but it would be hard to clean the carpet stains now and then. So, be sure to ensure that everyone follows this policy in your home.


Removing carpet stains will help you in keeping the carpets look clean. But there should be ways and means in which you can prevent the stains. The above methods are the best ones that would help in taking care of your carpets. So, be ready to make the relevant changes and this will surely help you to make your life better and easier in every way. Try them and see. Book Online Now or Request a Free Quote.

What Is The Difference Between Carpet Cleaners And Carpet Extractors?

Having a carpet comes with the maintenance in question. The main thing is that you cannot ignore dirt, dust, stains, and allergens like pet dander on the carpet, which needs cleaning. So, for cleaning, what will you use? Isn’t it a difficult choice? By the way, hiring a professional Carpet Cleaning in Seven Hills solves all your carpet related problems. But before you call for a cleaning professional, let us understand the difference between carpet cleaners and carpet extractors.

What is a carpet cleaner?

Carpet cleaners are the most commonly used device when it comes to regular cleaning. However, it varies in terms of usage and power to clean. The primary function of a carpet cleaner is to clean with heating technology, vacuum, and dry wash it. In most cases, homeowners use it for maintenance purposes as carpet cleaners are suitable for minor stains.

What is Carpet Extractor?

A carpet extractor is a machine that uses hot water, soap or chemicals, a scrub brush, and potent suction to pull out the deeply ingrained dirt while carpet and upholstery cleaning. The carpet extractor ensures that all stains are extracted from the carpet’s surface, and your carpet looks new again. If you call a professional carpet cleaning in Seven Hills, they use portable extractors, truck mount, rotary extractors, etc., for deeply embedded stains.

Understanding the difference between the cleaners and extractors:

Let us take an example to understand the difference between them. If your carpet doesn’t get heavy foot traffic, then consider cleaner. In addition, carpet cleaners can also handle small pieces of dirt or pet stains easily. Here in both situations, using carpet cleaners will save a lot of your time and effort.

Both do a cleaning job, though if you are dealing with stubborn stains, it is strongly recommended that you stick with carpet extractors.

So, the main difference between cleaners and extractors is how efficiently they clean the carpet. Moreover, carpet cleaners are helpful for shorter cleaning sessions, while carpet extractors help your carpet maintained for a longer time.

Which one should you prefer?

Now you know the difference between cleaners and extractors. So, for making a choice, you should consider these:

  • How frequently do you need cleaning?
  • Condition of carpet like deeply ingrained stains or for light spots.
  • There are times when carpet cleaners are insufficient to remove the stains, so you need carpet extractors.
  • If you procrastinate cleaning for a significant amount of time, then carpet cleaners may not help.


Undoubtedly, you can use a combination of a carpet extractor and cleaner for better cleaning. However, most expert carpet cleaners widely use the carpet extractor method. Therefore, hire the best by searching for “carpet cleaner near me” when you have decided on cleaning to remove the deeply penetrated residue and stains.